Our professional services team will advise you on the optimal disaster recovery (DR) plan for your firm. We plan and implement a cloud-based, DR plan. This ensures successful execution of your failover and recovery steps. We manage this overall plan, ensuring seamless end-user access during a disaster event. ICONZ DRaaS integrates with Veeam. This allows customers to keep an up-to-date copy of their VMs on our cloud, recovering when needed.
ICONZ Rapid Office
In the event of a serious disaster making your business premises inaccessible, ICONZ Rapid Office provides an affordable, flexible workaround. ICONZ Rapid Office gives you and your team instant access to emergency office facilities in Auckland’s CBD. Your key employees can then simply relocate to our site and continue working productively. They will have access to general office facilities (i.e. internet, telephone and printers). Our support team will also be on hand. These offices have been designed as a complete, disaster response solution.